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819 Results
Chinese oil production
A Growing Portion of China’s “Oil Products” Demand Growth Does Not Actually Come From Crude Oil
As China’s demand for light oil products continues to drive incremental consumption growth, it is becoming apparent that commodities framed as “oil products” are increasingly not actually made from crude oil. Fellow Gabriel Collins explores the possible ramifications of this situation in this issue brief. He writes that oil producers — whether in Riyadh, Moscow or the Permian Basin — should take stock of how China’s growing use of “oil products” that do not actually come from crude oil may translate into effective reductions in demand and prices for the crude oil they produce.
Gabriel Collins September 20, 2017
A globe lies next to the diaphragm of a stethoscope.
The Global Burden of Disease Study 2013: What Does It Mean for the NTDs?
The Global Burden of Disease Study is a landmark World Health Organization initiative that systematically quantifies the prevalence, morbidity, and mortality for hundreds of diseases, injuries, and risk factors of global health importance. In this article, the authors identify country-specific estimates of the prevalence or incidence of neglected tropical diseases, including cholera, typhoid and scabies.
Peter J. Hotez August 3, 2017