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506 Results
A digitized version of North America.
Latin America Initiative | Working Paper
Performance and Challenges of the Colombian Economy
As of 2013, Colombia faces various challenges associated with managing an uncertain international economic environment and reversing adverse long-term trends, notably high domestic inequalities and the weakening of its manufacturing and agricultural sectors.
José Antonio Ocampo September 11, 2013
Energy Market Cycles
Under this study, the Baker Institute will embark on a comprehensive study on the interaction of the oil investment cycle and the general business cycle, including consideration of how the global economy and patterns of industry capital investment are influenced by oil price shocks.
August 20, 2013
The Case for Corporate Income Tax Reform
The positive effects of a corporate income tax reform in the United States might well be enhanced by a simultaneous move to a territorial system coupled with anti-base erosion provisions designed to limit revenue losses; however, the effects of implementing territoriality are tenuous and seem likely to be small in the aggregate. Published by the American Action Forum.
John W. Diamond, George R. Zodrow May 29, 2013