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302 Results
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What’s Next for State Unemployment Insurance Funds?
The unemployment insurance (UI) system is facing a perfect storm of problems: the pandemic has led to a surge in jobless claims, which is severely straining state UI trusts that weren't fully prepared for a recession. This report reviews the UI system and potential measures to mitigate challenges current downturn.
Joyce Beebe November 23, 2020
Container ship being loaded in a shipyard
North America’s Shifting Supply Chains: The UMSCA, COVID-19, and the U.S.-China Trade War
David A. Gantz, the Will Clayton Fellow in Trade and International Economics, analyzes a wide range of factors — including the U.S.-China trade war, the entry into force of the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) and the COVID-19 pandemic — that are all contributing to the pressure on the U.S. to decouple from China and to shift supply chains back to North America.
David A. Gantz November 18, 2020
US and China Flags
Cold War With China: Not So Soon
When President-elect Joe Biden assumes office in January, he will be compelled to deal with the most important and ferociously complicated geopolitical question the United States faces today: how to manage its relations with China. Fellow Joe Barnes explains how the U.S.-China situation differs from the Cold War dynamic, and how the U.S. will best be served in the years ahead. Read more at the Baker Institute Blog.
Joe Barnes November 9, 2020
A close-up of the Texas Capitol building and the U.S. and Texas flags.
Reducing the Burden of Criminal Justice Involvement for Minor Offenses
In testimony before the Texas House of Representatives Criminal Jurisprudence Committee, Neill Harris expressed support for limiting arrests for fine-only offenses and expanding cite-and-release eligibility to include nonviolent misdemeanors and low-level drug possession. These changes will save taxpayers money and reduce the racially disparate burdens of incarceration without compromising public safety, she said.
Katharine Neill Harris, Alfred C. Glassell November 5, 2020
A man closes his business due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 and the Texas Rainy Day Fund
In late July, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar delivered a bleak economic outlook for the state’s economy: the amount of general revenue funds available for the current biennium is expected to be $11.5 billion less than originally estimated. Should the state tap into its rainy day fund to offset the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and facilitate a stable recovery?
Joyce Beebe November 4, 2020