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Woman with mask waiting in line to vote in a U.S. election.
A Presidential Election During the Time of COVID-19
Held virtually across three days in December 2020, the Presidential Elections Program's third conference — "A Presidential Election During the Time of COVID-19" — brought together a diverse group of academics, campaign consultants and other prominent individuals to review the dynamics and outcome of the 2020 presidential election. This report summarizes the presentations and discussions of the many individuals who participated in the conference’s five thematic panels, as well as a moderated conversation featuring veteran political consultants Stephanie Cutter and Beth Myers, who served as the conference's honorary co-chairs.
Mark P. Jones, John B. Williams December 20, 2021
Drugs and a gun with money in a pile
What the New U.S.-Mexico Deal Means for Drug Policy
This October the U.S. and Mexico agreed on a new bilateral security program, but "unless the United States and Mexico pursue domestic structural reforms ... both nations risk backsliding to the failures of the drug wars," writes MGA student and Drug Policy guest contributor Sidney Phillips.
December 16, 2021
US map electricity
Map: Energy, Environment and Policy in the U.S.
The “Energy, Environment, and Policy in the U.S.” map is an online, interactive tool to visualize and highlight the geospatial nexus of energy, environment, policy, and society in the United States. It displays the nation’s critical energy infrastructure, environmental points of interest, and relevant election and demographic statistics at different levels of granularity. This allows the users to effectively navigate key energy and environmental issues with a clear and complete picture of the nation’s infrastructure and demography.
Kenneth B. Medlock III, Shih Yu (Elsie) Hung December 9, 2021
Woman casting her vote at the polls.
The Carter-Baker Commission: 16 Years Later
In 2005, former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James A. Baker, III, co-chaired the Commission on Federal Election Reform, which produced a report on the U.S. electoral process and recommendations on maximizing ballot access and election integrity. In June 2021, The Carter Center and the Baker Institute held five webinars that again examined critical challenges facing the U.S. electoral system. This report includes the results of the discussions.
October 28, 2021
A star design on a gate, with the Texas State Capitol building in the background.
A Dubious Exceptionalism: What Texas Can Learn From the World History Curriculum Standards of Nearby States
Texas social studies curriculum standards do not give public school students the balanced coverage of religion they need to function effectively in an increasingly diverse society, contends the author. His comparison of equivalent curriculum standards in five culturally similar states identifies lessons Texas can learn from its counterparts.
David R. Brockman October 22, 2021
What’s in Store for the French Presidential Election in April 2022?
With center-right President Emmanuel Macron facing off against extreme-right Marine Le Pen, what’s in store for the French presidential election next April? In a new brief, Baker Institute faculty scholar Julie Fette and William Tsai, Rice '24, examine the polls, platforms and possibilities.
William Tsai, Julie Fette October 19, 2021