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411 Results
Portrait of Charles Duncan
Remembering Charles Duncan, Jr.
“Charles Duncan represented the very best of his country, his state and his hometown. A native son of Houston, he was a no-nonsense corporate leader and Secretary of Energy for the United States who diligently maintained a laser-like focus on getting things done. Although his career took him around the world, Charles never lost his love for Houston, where he played a critical role as chairman of the Board of Rice University in the creation of the Baker Institute for Public Policy on that campus. My wife Susan and I will greatly miss him, and we send our deepest sympathy to his entire family.”
James A. Baker, III October 18, 2022
Health insurance
Estimating the Potential Profit Gains from Lowering Employee Health Care Costs for America’s Largest Companies
This report finds that America's largest companies could be increasing their profits by identifying opportunities to reign in the costs of health insurance coverage — while still maintaining or improving the quality of benefits for their employees.
Alan Beltran Lara, Cindy Nguyen, Marah Short, Vivian Ho September 19, 2022
Queen Elizabeth II
Remembering Queen Elizabeth II
“A beautiful and bright light of honor, thoughtfulness and elegance went out today with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, whose 70-year reign was a beacon for her countrymen as well as those in the West who admired her enduring spirit.”
James A. Baker, III September 8, 2022
Mikhail Gorbachev and James A. Baker, IIII
Remembering Mikhail Gorbachev
“History will remember Mikhail Gorbachev as a giant who steered his great nation toward democracy. He played the critical role in a peaceful conclusion of the Cold War by his decision against using force to hold the empire together. I found him to be an honest broker and could count on his word despite domestic pressure in Moscow. The free world misses him greatly.”
James A. Baker, III August 30, 2022