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36 Results
Middle East Map
False Hopes? Prospects for Political Inclusion in Rojava and Iraqi Kurdistan
By Mustafa Gurbuz, Ph.D., Arab Center, Washington D.C. The Syrian civil war drastically changed the future prospects of Kurds in both Syria and Iraq. This brief examines the challenges that prevent a politically inclusive culture in Syrian Kurdistan—popularly known as Rojava—and Iraqi Kurdistan. This brief and research paper are part of a project on pluralism and inclusion in the Middle East after the Arab Spring. The project is generously supported by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Mustafa Gurbuz September 5, 2018
The Syrian revolution flag waves over refugee camps.
Trump Policy in the Middle East: Syria
This month, the Syrian Civil War will have lasted seven years. The authors of this brief explore how the United States — first under President Barack Obama and now under President Donald Trump — has struggled to develop a coherent strategy that balances U.S. interests in the conflict with the military, financial and diplomatic resources necessary to pursue them.
Robert Barron, Joe Barnes March 7, 2018
Shipping Containers
Latin America Initiative | Issue Brief
The Consequences of Preferential Trade Agreements: Lessons for U.S.-Latin America Trade Relations
While academic and popular debates tend to focus on differential benefits and costs of trade across countries or industries, this brief highlights winners and losers at the level of individual firms. The authors demonstrate that preferential liberalization produces concentrated benefits among a relatively small number of very large and productive firms.
Pablo M. Pinto, Leonardo Baccini, Stephen Weymouth November 21, 2017
Chinese oil production
A Growing Portion of China’s “Oil Products” Demand Growth Does Not Actually Come From Crude Oil
As China’s demand for light oil products continues to drive incremental consumption growth, it is becoming apparent that commodities framed as “oil products” are increasingly not actually made from crude oil. Fellow Gabriel Collins explores the possible ramifications of this situation in this issue brief. He writes that oil producers — whether in Riyadh, Moscow or the Permian Basin — should take stock of how China’s growing use of “oil products” that do not actually come from crude oil may translate into effective reductions in demand and prices for the crude oil they produce.
Gabriel Collins September 20, 2017