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87 Results
A nickel processing site.
Need Nickel? How Electrifying Transport and Chinese Investment Are Playing Out in the Indonesian Archipelago
The authors examine tensions in nickel supply and value chains within the context of broad aspirations to electrify transport. Through their case study, which focuses on China’s growing presence in Indonesian nickel extraction and processing, they contend that China is positioning itself as a gatekeeper to the energy transition — with vast implications for strategic planning in the United States.
Michelle Michot Foss, Jacob Koelsch April 11, 2022
A skilled immigrant ties back her hair.
Linking Mexican Immigrants' Contributions to the U.S. Knowledge Economy
High-skilled immigrants from emerging markets are playing an increasingly important role in the global knowledge economy, writes nonresident scholar Elizabeth Salamanca Pacheco. In this paper, Salamanca Pacheco explains how high-skilled migrants from Mexico are well positioned to alleviate a STEM talent shortage in the U.S. and stimulate innovation in their native country.
Elizabeth Salamanca February 25, 2022
Chinese oil production
U.S.-China Competition Enters the Decade of Maximum Danger: Policy Ideas to Avoid Losing the 2020s
As China’s power reaches its peak over the next decade, President Xi Jinping may make a bold move against Taiwan. To protect American interests and the rules-based order, the authors argue that the United States and its allies should immediately mobilize resources to deter Chinese aggression.
Gabriel Collins, Andrew S. Erickson December 20, 2021