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89 Results
Global connections span the continents; focus on the Americas
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Fidel Castro, Hero or Tyrant?
Regardless of one’s views toward Fidel Castro, his strong impact on world history is undeniable, Latin America Initiative director Erika de la Garza writes in this post for the Baker Institute Blog.
Erika de la Garza November 28, 2016
latin america
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
The Empty Homes of Rio’s 2016 Olympics
Brazilian leaders' investment into transforming Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympic Games, even as the country is quickly spiraling into a deep recession and its housing market has declined, illustrates the government's troubling development priorities.
January 14, 2016
Israel flag
Keeping the Faith in Israel for a Two-state Solution
Despite right-wing pushes for the annexation of a significant portion of the West Bank, support remains for a two-state solution to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yair Hirschfeld, fellow in the Center for the Middle East, analyzes Israel's political environment in this post on the Baker Institute Blog.
Yair Hirschfeld November 24, 2015