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75 Results
US flag drapes around Middle East regional map
From Desert Storm to Implementation Day, a Gulf of Expectations
With the implementation of the Iran nuclear agreement, many Gulf Cooperative Council states now openly wonder whether U.S. support can still be relied upon, given the speed with which the U.S. government has engaged Iran in negotiation and diplomacy since 2013. This incomprehension may lead to further instability in the Middle East as the Gulf States continue to take increasingly unilateral action in Yemen and other regional conflict zones, fellow for the Middle East Kristian Coates Ulrichsen writes.
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen January 19, 2016
ME Map
The Paris Attacks: ISIS Expands the War
The Nov. 13 terrorist attacks that killed more than 130 people in Paris could represent a new stage in the struggle against ISIS. In this post on the Baker Institute Blog, Bonner Means Baker Fellow Joe Barnes analyzes what future steps France may need to take in response to the attacks and how the United States may be affected.
Joe Barnes November 16, 2015
iran flags
A Final Nuclear Agreement With Iran: Close but Not Quite There
This week, negotiators announced the framework of a nuclear agreement — ultimately, a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — with Iran. If a final deal can be struck and if the agreement holds, this deal will mark a historic foreign policy achievement, writes Joe Barnes.
Joe Barnes April 3, 2015
Israel flag
Netanyahu’s Victory: What It Means for U.S.-Israeli Relations
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s victory in the March 17 Israeli elections proved one thing: He is a politician of the very highest order. His party, Likud, won and — by the standards of recent Israeli elections — won big. This is in many ways a personal triumph for Netanyahu, who is already Israel’s second-longest serving prime minister. But what will Netanyahu’s triumph mean for U.S.-Israeli relations?
Joe Barnes March 19, 2015