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22 Results
Global connections span the continents; focus on the Americas
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Fidel Castro, Hero or Tyrant?
Regardless of one’s views toward Fidel Castro, his strong impact on world history is undeniable, Latin America Initiative director Erika de la Garza writes in this post for the Baker Institute Blog.
Erika de la Garza November 28, 2016
Globe showing Americas
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Obama in Cuba: Un Nuevo Día?
Erika de la Garza, program director of the Latin America Initiative, reflects on President Obama's Cuba trip in light of her own visit to the island earlier this month.
Erika de la Garza March 23, 2016
Pump jacks and pipelines move oil through the desert
How Resilient Is Saudi Arabia to a Prolonged Oil Price Slump?
Though drops in oil prices stand to impact Saudi Arabia’s economic stability, the government has turned to drawing down its foreign reserves and issuing bonds to alleviate budgetary pressures and avoid drastic domestic spending cuts. Fellow for the Middle East Kristian Coates Ulrichsen writes in the Baker Institute Blog: http://bit.ly/1fKLWG9.
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen August 28, 2015
Egypt’s Electoral Labyrinth Undermines Women’s Political Representation
The current electoral labyrinth in Egypt continues to pose a significant challenge to creating a just and all-inclusive political system. Despite the myriad electoral reforms and constitutional amendments passed in the past four years, women continue to play a minor role in the decision-making process in postrevolutionary Egypt. The new constitution unveiled in early 2014 lacks a constitutional provision or a quota system that would guarantee equal political representation for women; this will negatively impact women’s ability to exert influence in the political arena.
Marwa Shalaby April 6, 2015
latin america
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Uruguay: A Left-leaning Perspective on the Electoral Process
Uruguay’s national elections on October 26 will determine more than who occupies the Republic’s presidency, vice presidency, and Senate and House chambers — voters will also determine the government’s political orientation. The occasion will force Uruguayans to choose between the progressivism of the Frente Amplio party — which government has promoted for the past 10 years — and a return to the conservatism of the opposition Blanco and Colorado parties.
October 17, 2014