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24 Results
Asylum documents
How Biden’s New Border Policy Hurts Asylum Seekers
Although President Joe Biden campaigned on a promise of ending Title 42 — a contentious border policy enacted by former President Donald Trump and used to expel asylum seekers — his administration has actually expanded its use, writes Kelsey Norman, the director of the Women’s Rights, Human Rights and Refugees Program at the Baker Institute. In this policy brief, she explores Biden’s recent changes to migration policy and proposes a better way to help those seeking asylum.
Kelsey Norman January 9, 2023
This photo depicts the city of Jerusalem.
A Framework Agreement for an Israeli-Palestinian Permanent Peace
Despite the frozen status of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and the considerable obstacles to restart them, a U.S.-led effort could help to gradually forge a “Framework Agreement for an Israeli-Palestinian Permanent Peace.” This policy brief outlines the principles that such a framework might embody, with the essential objective of two states for two peoples.
Gilead Sher July 13, 2021
Map of Middle East.
Key Middle East Policy Issues for the Biden Administration
This brief explores pressing issues the Biden administration should address in developing a strategy for the Middle East. It provides analysis and policy recommendations related to the GCC states, U.S.-Iran relations, Islamist groups, and refugees and migration. Further CME publications will address issues such as the prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace and the crisis in Lebanon.
Kelsey Norman, A.Kadir Yildirim, Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, Mohammad Ayatollahi Tabaar March 17, 2021
A refugee boy holds a stuffed animal.
Building a New Life in Uncertain Times: The Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees in the U.S.
The Covid-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for resettled refugees in the U.S. and exposed underlying vulnerabilities that particularly impact refugee women and children, as well as the organizations that work to support them. The authors examine the difficulties facing refugees in the U.S. and offer policy recommendations that may help them.
Kelsey Norman, Quianta Moore, Zeinab Bakhiet July 14, 2020
America’s Children: Responding to the Crisis Now with the Future in Mind
Parental stress, which is heightened during natural disasters, can produce negative physiological responses in the developing brains of their infants and young children. This irreversibly alters the child’s brain structure, impacting their long-term prospects for good health and academic and economic success. Now is the time to institute policies and practices that mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the next generation, write the authors,
Quianta Moore, Christopher Greeley June 30, 2020