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2 Results
U.S. flags behind a chain-link fence
The Materialization of a Dream: Creating a Pathway to Permanent Residency for DACA Recipients
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has provided hundreds of thousands of young people in the U.S. with a reprieve from deportation, but program recipients have long lacked a pathway to permanent residency. This paper explores routes to immediate status and citizenship for those eligible for DACA, also known as "DREAMers."
Catherine Glazer February 19, 2021
Image of Hassan Mosque
Royal Religious Authority: Morocco’s “Commander of the Faithful"
King Mohammed VI of Morocco has cultivated the country’s image as a bastion of moderate Islam and of himself as a strategic partner, but to what extent does his international reputation correspond to public opinion in Morocco? In this paper, the author evaluates the king’s domestic standing as part of a larger Baker Institute study on religious authority in the Middle East.
Annelle Sheline March 31, 2019