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15 Results
Woman at refugee camp in Syria
Refugee Legal Protection and Capacity Building in Türkiye: A Conversation with Zaid Hydari
Turkey currently hosts nearly 4 million refugees — predominantly Syrians who have fled their country’s civil war. Ensuring adequate legal protection for those seeking asylum and improving the capacity of Turkish institutions and civil society organizations to serve those in need is vital. This policy brief, based on a conversation with Refugee Solidarity Network founder and director Zaid Hydari, explains how domestic and international bodies can support the many refugees in Turkey.
Kelsey Norman, Ana Martín Gil, Beyza Yildirim, Imogen Brown February 27, 2024
Student gets temperature checked at school
Guidance for Parents: Keeping Kids Safe and in School throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the judicial battle over Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s ban on mask mandates continues, the authors argue that the most effective way to protect children from COVID-19 is to require masks in schools. Click below for their full list of policy recommendations, including what exceptions should be made, and when and how to end school mask requirements.
Quianta Moore, Christopher F. Kulesza December 9, 2021
Unbalanced scales of justice.
Drug Policy Priority Issues for the Biden Administration
Effective drug policy requires acceptance that, for better or worse, licit and illicit drug use is part of our world. The authors recommend several steps the federal government can take to facilitate more pragmatic and effective drug policy at all levels of government.
Katharine Neill Harris, William Martin February 5, 2021
A refugee boy holds a stuffed animal.
Building a New Life in Uncertain Times: The Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees in the U.S.
The Covid-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for resettled refugees in the U.S. and exposed underlying vulnerabilities that particularly impact refugee women and children, as well as the organizations that work to support them. The authors examine the difficulties facing refugees in the U.S. and offer policy recommendations that may help them.
Kelsey Norman, Quianta Moore, Zeinab Bakhiet July 14, 2020
America’s Children: Responding to the Crisis Now with the Future in Mind
Parental stress, which is heightened during natural disasters, can produce negative physiological responses in the developing brains of their infants and young children. This irreversibly alters the child’s brain structure, impacting their long-term prospects for good health and academic and economic success. Now is the time to institute policies and practices that mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the next generation, write the authors,
Quianta Moore, Christopher Greeley June 30, 2020
Person blowing out vape smoke
Vaping: Clearing the Air
The authors examine recent trends in vaping, research on its effectiveness for smoking cessation, the role of industry marketing and policy responses to increased use.
Katharine Neill Harris, William Martin February 28, 2020
Marijuana bud next to a gavel
The Case For Marijuana Decriminalization
In recent years public opinion surveys have found that a consistent and increasing percentage of Texans support marijuana reform, but this support has not translated into policy change. The authors explain why it should.
Katharine Neill Harris, William Martin April 16, 2019