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3 Results
A graph overlays a stethoscope.
Correlation Between Financial Toxicity, Quality of Life and Patient Satisfaction in an Insured Population of Breast Cancer Surgical Patients: A Single-Institution Retrospective Study
This study leverages validated patient-reported outcomes measures  to analyze the association between "financial toxicity" and quality of life and satisfaction among women undergoing ablative breast cancer surgery. Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Anaeze C. Offodile II, Christopher J. Coroneos, Yu-Li Lin, Chris Sidey-Gibbons, Malke Asaad, Brian Chin, Stefanos Boukovalas, Margaret S. Roubaud, Makesha Miggins, Donald P. Baumann December 21, 2020
Jordan on Map
Challenge to the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty
King Abdullah announced that Jordan will not renew the annex to the 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty that created special governing areas in Naharayim and Zofar. Gilead Sher, the Brochstein Fellow in Middle East Peace and Security, and Mor Ben-Kalifa explore this decision and the conditions that led to it in The Institute for National Security Studies: https://bit.ly/2Pvag58
Gilead Sher, Mor Ben-Kalifa October 29, 2018