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2 Results
Commentary — Solar’s Bright Future Faces a Cloudy Reality: What About All the Waste?
"With the pressures of climate change and the urgency to incorporate alternative energy resources like wind and solar, the fixation on the purported benefits of energy transition technologies overshadows the glaring reality — an absence of strategy around identifying and quantifying other life cycle externalities, such as waste disposal or environmental impacts," write fellow Rachel Meidl and research assistant Mathilde Saada. Read more on the Baker Institute Blog.
Rachel A. Meidl, Mathilde Saada January 18, 2022
Lab sample pipette
Defining “Research” in the US and EU: Contrast of Sherley v. Sebelius and Brüstle v. Greenpeace Rulings
In a recent commentary, Baker Institute science and technology policy experts described two international court cases that aimed to define “research” — and that ultimately arrived at two different answers. “What makes this interesting is that the courts’ definition of ‘research’ was based on politics — what the court wanted the end result to be,” said Kirstin Matthews, the institute’s fellow in science and technology policy. To reach a decision prohibiting human embryonic stem cell (hESC) patents, the EU court ruled that “research” occurs in a continuum. To reach a decision supporting federal funding of stem cell research, the U.S. court ruled that “research” involves a specific project.
Maude Rowland Cuchiara, Kirstin R.W. Matthews August 4, 2013