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15 Results
Satellite image of Persian Gulf
Revamping Energy Policy in Saudi Arabia: A View to the Future
The accession of a new king in Saudi Arabia and the kingdom’s intervention in Yemen have overshadowed important moves to reform two of the kingdom’s key institutions. Incoming King Salman has taken steps to prepare Saudi Arabia for a new generation of leaders, both within the royal family and among the world’s largest oil export sector and its marquee company, Saudi Aramco. The changes involve installing new personalities into key positions and shifting the roles of long-serving managers. "Overall, the moves ought to enhance the resilience of the kingdom and its economy by shifting leadership responsibilities to a younger generation," writes fellow Jim Krane.
Jim Krane June 9, 2015
This photo shows the Chinese flag.
Latin America Initiative | Issue Brief
China’s “Second Wave” in South America
South America is likely facing a "second wave" of Chinese investment. How will China's rise to global economic power — and its transition to a new economic growth model — impact South America?
Pedro da Motta Veiga February 9, 2015
A digitized version of North America.
Latin America Initiative | Issue Brief
Brazilian Multinational Companies: Investing in the Neighborhood
A growing number of Brazilian companies are expanding internationally. These companies are part of the transformation reshaping the global investment environment. They have shifted their international strategy from being based exclusively on exports to becoming foreign investors in countries such as Peru, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.
Pedro da Motta Veiga November 5, 2014
US flag drapes around Middle East regional map
Back to Iraq? U.S. Interests and Opportunities in an Environment of Reduced Expectations
As the United States once again ramps up involvement in Iraq, it makes sense to examine U.S. interests and strategy while considering what might constitute realistic parameters for participation and outcome. In this issue brief, energy fellow Jim Krane explores answers to the question "What are U.S. interests in Iraq and how are they best pursued?"
Jim Krane October 13, 2014
Education, Employment Opportunities, and Energy Reform in Mexico
Mexico must address two key questions in order to realize the promise of greater employment opportunities: Does the country’s current workforce have the needed skills to adequately respond to increases in production, and is the country allocating the necessary resources to respond to the demand for future skills? This issue brief focuses on education's role in reducing the workforce skills gap that Mexico will face as the energy sector expands.
Lisa Guáqueta August 29, 2014