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20 Results
Texas flag money
Enhancing Truth-in-Taxation Policies in Texas
Truth-in-taxation measures, which are intended to serve taxpayers, have failed to constrain the property tax burden in Texas, write Jennifer Rabb and Lebena Varghese of the McNair Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth. They argue that it is incumbent upon the government to make tax rate notices clear, relevant and above all truthful.
Lebena Varghese, Jennifer Rabb January 17, 2023
Hidden money
Corruption and Democracy in Mexico: An Empirical Analysis
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has pledged to end corrupt practices in Mexico. Yet some of his other goals — such as returning to a more centralized government — might actually foster corruption. Postdoctoral fellow Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez explores this situation and analyzes the relationship between democracy and corruption in Mexico.
Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez October 3, 2019