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123 Results
Afghanistan on a map.
Biden, Nixon & Afghanistan
Joe Barnes explores why, in the absence of a viable alternative that does not involve an open-ended commitment in Afghanistan, President Biden’s plan to withdraw makes sense — even if it does entail potential real costs and real risks. Read his post in the Baker Institute Blog.
Joe Barnes July 12, 2021
US and China Flags
Cold War With China: Not So Soon
When President-elect Joe Biden assumes office in January, he will be compelled to deal with the most important and ferociously complicated geopolitical question the United States faces today: how to manage its relations with China. Fellow Joe Barnes explains how the U.S.-China situation differs from the Cold War dynamic, and how the U.S. will best be served in the years ahead. Read more at the Baker Institute Blog.
Joe Barnes November 9, 2020
Marijuana bud next to a gavel
The Cannabis Law & Policy Committee
An overview of the ABA's Cannabis Law & Policy Committee, which is composed of attorneys across North America who have various mainstream practices and who seek to be stewards of historic changes in the pioneering field of marijuana law.
Lisa Pittman July 28, 2020
Election 2020 and Foreign Policy
While foreign policy has rarely been the predominant issue in U.S. presidential campaigns, the November election will provide voters a clear choice when it comes to U.S. relations with other nations, writes fellow Joe Barnes.
Joe Barnes July 6, 2020
Graph of stock market downturn with coronavirus superimposed
Four NOCs: Facing the Current Demand Destruction
The oil glut and the unprecedented drop in demand, along with plummeting oil prices due to the coronavirus pandemic, is revealing the strengths and weaknesses of oil firms globally. The authors consider four NOCs — Ecopetrol, Petrobras, Petronas and Pemex — in the context of the current crisis.
Benigna Cortés Leiss, Adrian Duhalt May 20, 2020