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17 Results
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
In Bolsonaro, Bolton finds a dangerous ally
U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton recently remarked that Brazil's newly elected president, Jair Bolonsoro, is a “like-minded” leader for the Trump administration. In a blog for Axios, nonresident fellow Christopher Sabatini reviews these comments and the right-wing authoritarian style of Bolsonaro: https://bit.ly/2EYT9od
Christopher Sabatini November 2, 2018
The U.S. flag in grunge texture.
A Welcome Moment of Nonpartisanship
Baker Institute director Edward P. Djerejian comments on a welcome moment of nonpartisanship after the April 21, 2018, funeral for former first lady Barbara Bush. 
Edward P. Djerejian April 22, 2018
Climate change concept
A Conservative Answer to Climate Change
James A. Baker, III, and George P. Shultz — both former secretaries of state and Treasury secretaries — offer "A Conservative Answer to Climate Change" in a commentary for The Wall Street Journal.
James A. Baker, III, George P. Shulz February 15, 2017
Globe showing Americas
Commentary: Study Highlights Ethical Ambiguity in Physics
In physics, extensive collaborations, access to colleagues’ data and rigorous peer review make it extremely difficult for individual researchers to bend the rules. Furthermore, physics does not harbor the types of ethical minefields characteristic of the biosciences. No thorny questions arise pertaining to human or animal life, nor do physicists commonly grapple with the ethical haze of intellectual property when patents and money are at stake. Things seem to be black and white in physics. But are they?
Elaine Howard Ecklund, Kirstin R.W. Matthews June 1, 2015