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35 Results
Mexican Military
Walks Like a Junta, Looks Like a Junta, Must be a Military Junta ... in Mexico
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is about to achieve the quiet but full militarization of Mexican society by placing all armed government forces under Defense Secretariat command, writes nonresident fellow Gary Hale. If he is successful, this could lay the groundwork for his possible extended tenure, even if it creates a military junta by subterfuge.
Gary J. Hale September 12, 2022
Marijuana bud next to a gavel
The Cannabis Law & Policy Committee
An overview of the ABA's Cannabis Law & Policy Committee, which is composed of attorneys across North America who have various mainstream practices and who seek to be stewards of historic changes in the pioneering field of marijuana law.
Lisa Pittman July 28, 2020