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50 Results
Trucks transport cargo across the U.S.-Mexico border
Was NAFTA Good for the United States?
NAFTA has neither been the enormous success that its supporters believe, nor the disaster that its detractors claim. Renegotiating NAFTA — or even threatening to repeal it — is not a high-stakes proposition. The treaty simply does not possess the leverage to deliver a major boost or setback to the U.S. manufacturing sector. 
Tony Payan, Russell Green June 25, 2017
This photo shows an industrial zone in China.
The Double-edged Sword: Guanxi and Science Ethics in Academic Physics in the People’s Republic of China
As China continues to open up to the transnational circulation of labor, ideas, technology and capital under globalization, one must wonder: will Chinese society’s more cosmopolitan and transnational groups continue to be guided by guanxi, the system of social networks and influential relationships that facilitate business and other dealings?
Steven W. Lewis, Elaine Howard Ecklund, Di Di March 31, 2017
The Texas Gulf Coast.
Texas Coastal Exchange
This research paper examines the potential market for a system that would pay landowners to restore natural ecosystems, such as native prairies and oyster reefs, that protect the Gulf Coast from hurricane and severe storm damage.
Jim Blackburn October 24, 2016
Religious Imbalance in the Texas Social Studies Curriculum: Analysis and Recommendations
This paper argues that the Texas social studies curriculum does not offer balanced coverage of world religions, due in large part to intervention by conservative members of the Texas State Board of Education. The paper identifies examples of imbalanced coverage in social studies texts and offers recommendations for broadening coverage of religion in Texas public schools.
David R. Brockman October 21, 2016