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4 Results
Methods of transportation for global business and trade
Baker Briefing: The Future of Fuels
In this episode of Baker Briefing, experts explore the future of fuels for passenger and freight mobility. The episode is part of an initiative by the Center for Energy Studies investigating the supply chain and cost implications of transitioning fuels across the transportation sector — the economy’s circulatory system.
Edward M. Emmett, Kenneth B. Medlock III May 13, 2024
Baker Briefing: Is Texas the Next Hydrogen Hub?
As greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise across the U.S., policymakers are looking to expand low carbon energy options — notably hydrogen. On this episode, Ken Medlock, director of the Center for Energy Studies, discusses the potential for Texas to become a hydrogen hub. 
David M. Satterfield, Kenneth B. Medlock III April 20, 2023
Podcast: U.S. Govt Debt Growth
How are debt projections and the interest rate tied to broad demographic transformations underway in the U.S. and across the world today? And how worried should we be by rising federal debt? Tune in to this Policy Matters podcast with public finance fellow Jorge Barro to find out: https://bit.ly/2zhIG4M
Jorge Barro May 6, 2020