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44 Results
Globe showing Americas
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
A Courageous Voice Is Silenced in Honduras
Latin America Initiative director Erika de la Garza blogs on the murder of Honduras activist Berta Cáceres, who was in Houston last November to receive an award for her work on behalf of Honduras’ indigenous communities.
Erika de la Garza March 11, 2016
A map focused on Venezuela.
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Stabilizing Maduro
In contrast to the generally accepted view of U.S. policy toward hostile regimes, especially in the Caribbean basin, Washington is not trying to destabilize the government of Venezuela. In fact, it is making efforts to keep Nicolás Maduro in office. With U.S. foreign policy in a precarious position — facing challenges from ISIS, Russia and China — stabilizing the Maduro government looks like the most rational option to support the White House’s current interests in the Western Hemisphere.
March 10, 2015
Globe showing Americas
PM Modi’s U.S. Visit Dull? An Economic Policy Perspective
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, once barred from entering the U.S., is getting a rock star welcome on his first trip here since being elected in May. “Am I the only India follower who is bored with Modi’s spectacle of a U.S. visit?” asks international economics fellow Russell Green. “The glitz is fun, but I am an economic policy wonk, and from my perspective, there is little to capture the imagination.”
September 29, 2014