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5 Results
Refugees are welcome here protest sign
Refugee Relocation Can Be a Positive Experience
While many countries are reluctant to accept and integrate refugees, Mexico and Brazil have established effective ways to welcome and absorb refugees through relocation programs. In her new brief, nonresident scholar Elizabeth Ferris outlines how these initiatives promote a win-win scenario by finding solutions that not only enhance refugee protection and well-being but also cater to domestic labor needs.
Elizabeth Ferris March 15, 2024
Health insurance
HRMS Issue Brief #3: Early Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance Coverage in Texas for 2014
The Health Reform Monitoring Survey (HRMS)-Texas report is based on the HRMS, a national project that provides timely information on implementation issues under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and changes in health insurance coverage and related health outcomes. The Baker Institute and the Episcopal Health Foundation are partnering to fund and report on key factors about Texans obtained from an expanded representative sample of Texas residents.
Vivian Ho, Elena M. Marks, Patricia Gail Bray April 14, 2014
Pen pointing at chart
HRMS Issue Brief #1: Were Texans Satisfied With the Cost of Health Care and Health Insurance Prior to the Affordable Care Act?
In this issue brief, Rice University's Baker Institute and The Episcopal Health Foundation ask, "Were Texans satisfied with the cost of health care and health insurance prior to the Affordable Care Act?" By Vivian Ho, Ph.D.; Elena M. Marks, J.D., M.P.H.; and Patricia Gail Bray, Ph.D.
Vivian Ho, Elena M. Marks, Patricia Gail Bray February 10, 2014