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10 Results
Woman at refugee camp in Syria
Refugee Legal Protection and Capacity Building in Türkiye: A Conversation with Zaid Hydari
Turkey currently hosts nearly 4 million refugees — predominantly Syrians who have fled their country’s civil war. Ensuring adequate legal protection for those seeking asylum and improving the capacity of Turkish institutions and civil society organizations to serve those in need is vital. This policy brief, based on a conversation with Refugee Solidarity Network founder and director Zaid Hydari, explains how domestic and international bodies can support the many refugees in Turkey.
Kelsey Norman, Ana Martín Gil, Beyza Yildirim, Imogen Brown February 27, 2024
A nurse administers a COVID-19 vaccination.
Failures in COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Data Collection Complicated Efforts to Ensure Vaccine Equity in Texas
As the pandemic persisted across the state, did Texans living in cities have better access to Covid-19 vaccines than those in rural areas? How did race or age factor in? The authors assess the successes and shortfalls of Texas' vaccine distribution strategy, and how to do better next time.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Rekha Lakshmanan March 4, 2022
A woman sneezes into a tissue.
Improving the Effectiveness of the Annual Flu Vaccine
By Michael W. Deem, Melia E. Bonomo and Kirstin R.W. Matthews Due to the rapidly mutating influenza virus, a new vaccine is usually developed for each flu season. In this policy brief, the authors discuss the current method used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to develop the flu vaccine and propose the use of mathematical modeling to improve the vaccine's effectiveness.
Michael W. Deem, Melia E. Bonomo, Kirstin R.W. Matthews October 29, 2018
A globe lies next to the diaphragm of a stethoscope.
Mosquito-transmitted Epidemics: Dengue, Chikungunya and West Nile in the United States and Mexico
This policy brief urges collaboration between the United States and Mexico to address widespread epidemics of mosquito-transmitted diseases like West Nile, dengue and chikungunya in both countries. Such policy development should focus on vector control programs, public awareness and the development of vaccines to curb the spread of these diseases.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Jennifer R. Herricks December 16, 2015
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: A Public Health Opportunity for Texas
The human papillomavirus (HPV) affects over 80 million Americans, causing more than 40,000 cases of HPV-associated cancers in the U.S. In 2006, the FDA licensed the first HPV vaccine, which could help save thousands of lives; no cure for HPV currently exists. However, the political controversy raised by the vaccine has limited its acceptance and use. Such resistance potentially jeopardizes an opportunity to reduce cancer rates in Texas and the broader United States.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Monica M. Matsumoto October 6, 2014