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23 Results
Graph with numbers related to the economy.
The Winner's Curse in Acquisitions of Privately-held Firms
The winner’s curse — overestimating the value of an asset and therefore overpaying — is often associated with acquisitions of publicly-traded firms but not with private acquisitions. Using an event study methodology for over 22,000 private acquisitions of U.S. firms between 1985 and 2015, the authors examine a possible winner’s curse for such acquisitions, testing variables to determine what characteristics make a private company more likely to overestimate the asset's value.
James Brander, Edward J. Egan February 1, 2017
A science conference.
Strategies Men Use to Negotiate Family and Science
Drawing on interviews with male scientists working at prestigious universities, the authors report on ways these men negotiate the tensions between cultural expectations for devotion to work and breadwinning, either compromising work commitments for more time with family or time at home in exchange for increased academic prestige.
Elaine Howard Ecklund January 4, 2017