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181 Results
Coins and scale
Did the Budget Control Act Work?
As the Budget Control Act nears expiry, it is important to reflect on its effectiveness — does the BCA provide a framework for curtailing unsustainable deficits and moving to a sustainable fiscal policy?  Read the authors' analysis at the Baker Institute Blog.
John W. Diamond, Autumn Engebretson February 4, 2021
An electric car charges.
Electric Vehicles: A Small Window for Safety and Stability, A Large Arena for Research
Although on the surface electric vehicles have lower safety risks than cars with internal combustion engines, the introduction of lithium ion batteries into the equation presents unresearched and unquantified hazards and consequences. This is why continued examination and incident analyses are important, writes energy fellow Rachel A. Meidl for the Baker Institute Blog.
Rachel A. Meidl January 21, 2021
A man closes his business due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 and the Texas Rainy Day Fund
In late July, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar delivered a bleak economic outlook for the state’s economy: the amount of general revenue funds available for the current biennium is expected to be $11.5 billion less than originally estimated. Should the state tap into its rainy day fund to offset the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and facilitate a stable recovery?
Joyce Beebe November 4, 2020