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2734 Results
US-Mexico border
Troubled Waters: Recent Challenges to the 1970 US-Mexico Boundary Treaty
In June 2023, the international boundary treaty governing the U.S.-Mexico border came under attack from Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lonestar. In a new research paper, nonresident scholars Stephen Mumme and Regina M. Buono outline the treaty’s history and examine key issues — advising on merits of recent challenges and long-term implications for the binational relationship between the United States and Mexico.
Stephen Mumme, Regina M. Buono February 8, 2024
USA Election Voting Booth
Baker Briefing: A Blueprint for Fair Elections
As U.S. democratic principles are being challenged, The Carter Center and Baker Institute for Public Policy have proposed guiding principles to ensure elections are conducted in ways that give Americans greater confidence in their outcomes. This episode explores American elections and how a set of commonsense principles can promote access, security, and confidence.
David Carroll, Mark P. Jones, John B. Williams, Doug Chapin, Kim Wyman February 6, 2024
People voting election poll
Guiding Principles for Election Administration
As foreign interference and the prevalence of disinformation test our democratic processes, election administrators must work across the aisle to demonstrate a shared commitment to healthy election systems at all levels of government. This report provides a framework for effective bipartisan policies that balance the linchpins required equitable access and integrity of the results.
David Carroll, Mark P. Jones, John B. Williams, Doug Chapin, Adrián Carrasquillo Lecároz, Benjamin Ginsberg, Kim Wyman, Nellie Gorbea, Trey Grayson, David Becker, Avery Davis-Roberts February 6, 2024
Women Bow And Pray
Hidden Work: Baptist Women in Texas 1880–1920
Patricia Summerlin Martin, Ph.D., provides an alternative view on religious women’s views in the late 1800s, early 1900s; a perspective that is distinct from wealthier women who lived in the northeast or deep south. The study explores how Southwestern Baptist women interpreted the Bible, and how this shaped their perspectives on feminism and power.
Patricia Summerlin Martin February 2, 2024
How Available Is Over-the-Counter Naloxone in Houston?
Narcan, the nasal spray that reverses an opioid overdose, is now available without prescription. But how easy is it to get? In this quick take, Rice University students and fellow Katharine Neill Harris investigate the reality of over-the-counter (OTC) access to the live-saving drug naloxone.
Jeffery Liu, Bianca Schutz, Skye Fredericks, Imani Hill, Gautam Chaudhry, Katharine Neill Harris February 2, 2024
Palestinian conflict
Funding for Refugees Has Long Been Politicized − Punitive Action Against UNRWA and Palestinians Fits That Pattern
At least a dozen countries, including the U.S., have suspended funding to the United Nations agency that delivers aid to Palestinian refugees. The cuts fit a long-time pattern of the politicization of refugee aid, write Nicholas R. Micinski and Kelsey Norman.
Nicholas R. Micinski, Kelsey Norman February 1, 2024
Brain model
Baker Briefing: How Public Policy Can Boost Brain Health
Modern-day stresses affect our mental health — but how are they impacting our brain chemistry? An emerging area of research argues that, if unaddressed, deteriorating brain health could diminish economic productivity, social cohesion, and overall happiness. This episode digs into the idea of “brain capital”: a framework that addresses intersections between brain health and other areas of public policy.
Edward M. Emmett, Harris A. Eyre February 1, 2024
The Houston cityscape.
Baker Briefing: Houston’s Looming Budget Crisis
The city of Houston’s budget is at a tipping point. For five consecutive years, the city outspent its revenues by $100–$200 million each year. With stop-gap options drying up, city officials must plot out a more sustainable plan for the longer term. How did Houston find itself in this budgetary bind, and where must city officials go from here? 
Edward M. Emmett, John W. Diamond January 25, 2024