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120 Results
The Road Back to the Moon
This brief reviews the cost and development problems associated with NASA's plan to return to the moon by 2024 and argues that it is crucial for officials at NASA and the White House to review and adjust the current plans in order to ensure a successful lunar landing.
George W.S. Abbey February 19, 2021
Recommendations for Realizing the Full Potential of Nanotechnology and Carbon Nanotubes in the Energy Transition
Rachel A. Meidl, the fellow in energy and environment, writes that investing in nanotechnology research and development is critical for future decarbonization strategies that can drive U.S. leadership in the clean energy revolution, reduce dependencies on foreign markets, yield economic and national security advantages, and enhance environmental justice and energy independence.
Rachel A. Meidl February 1, 2021
An electric car charges.
Electric Vehicles: A Small Window for Safety and Stability, A Large Arena for Research
Although on the surface electric vehicles have lower safety risks than cars with internal combustion engines, the introduction of lithium ion batteries into the equation presents unresearched and unquantified hazards and consequences. This is why continued examination and incident analyses are important, writes energy fellow Rachel A. Meidl for the Baker Institute Blog.
Rachel A. Meidl January 21, 2021
US Capitol
Critical Minerals Considerations for Energy Transitions
On September 16, energy fellow Michelle Michot Foss provided an overview of the role of critical minerals in creating a clean economy during testimony before the U.S. House of Representative's Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change. She also discussed the challenges associated with energy transitions, including import dependency and considerations for meeting environment, social and governance (ESG) goals.
Michelle Michot Foss September 16, 2020