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276 Results
A nurse administers a COVID-19 vaccination.
Failures in COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Data Collection Complicated Efforts to Ensure Vaccine Equity in Texas
As the pandemic persisted across the state, did Texans living in cities have better access to Covid-19 vaccines than those in rural areas? How did race or age factor in? The authors assess the successes and shortfalls of Texas' vaccine distribution strategy, and how to do better next time.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Rekha Lakshmanan March 4, 2022
Student gets temperature checked at school
Guidance for Parents: Keeping Kids Safe and in School Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the judicial battle over Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s ban on mask mandates continues, the authors argue that the most effective way to protect children from COVID-19 is to require masks in schools. Click below for their full list of policy recommendations, including what exceptions should be made, and when and how to end school mask requirements.
Quianta Moore, Christopher F. Kulesza December 9, 2021
Different forms of transportation on a busy street
COVID-19 and the Value of Safe Transport
"The COVID-19 effect is likely to reduce the demand for public transport in favor of lower density alternatives," write the authors. Their study considers links between commuters' demographic factors and incidence of disease transmission, as well as the environmental implications of decreased ridership on public transport.
Kenneth B. Medlock III, Ted Loch-Temzelides, Shih Yu (Elsie) Hung November 4, 2021
Empty Hospital Bed with Chart Overlay
COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Among Underserved Latino Communities: Barriers and Facilitators
"In the U.S., Latinos are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. A critical step to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is diagnostic testing," write scholar Luz Garcini and co-authors. This research article identifies the barriers and facilitators that must be addressed in order to implement accessible, effective testing.
Luz Maria Garcini, Tommy Tam Pham, Arlynn Ambriz, Sarah Lill, Joel Tsevat October 31, 2021