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199 Results
A tractor fertilizes crops.
Mexico and the Soaring International Price of Fertilizers
Although once known for its robust urea and ammonia production capabilities, Mexico found itself particularly vulnerable to soaring international fertilizer prices in 2021. With the global circumstances surrounding the spike in prices likely to linger through 2022, and Mexico's state-owned infrastructure still hampered by technical issues, the impact could be borne all the way to dinner tables in the form of higher nutrient prices for local farmers and food inflation.
Adrian Duhalt February 24, 2022
Mexico Flag
Mexico Country Outlook 2022
What should businesses and investors know to successfully navigate Mexico's economic, social and political landscape in 2022? The Center for the United States and Mexico answered this question at an exclusive virtual conference on possible responses to Mexico’s myriad challenges. Download the supporting report, below.
January 31, 2022