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212 Results
Transmission towers against a sunset.
Engineers and Economists Prize Efficiency, but Nature Favors Resilience — Lessons From Texas, COVID-19 and the 737 Max
Baker Institute Rice Faculty Scholar and University Professor Moshe Vardi analyzes three recent crises — the 2021 winter storm in Texas, the COVID-19 pandemic and the Boeing 737 Max software failure — that highlight the cost of valuing efficiency over resilience and provide lessons for bringing society into balance.
Moshe Vardi May 19, 2021
An electric car charges.
Electric Vehicles: A Small Window for Safety and Stability, A Large Arena for Research
Although on the surface electric vehicles have lower safety risks than cars with internal combustion engines, the introduction of lithium ion batteries into the equation presents unresearched and unquantified hazards and consequences. This is why continued examination and incident analyses are important, writes energy fellow Rachel A. Meidl for the Baker Institute Blog.
Rachel A. Meidl January 21, 2021