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54 Results
The U.S. flag in grunge texture.
Tillerson Out, Pompeo In
President Donald Trump has announced that he will nominate CIA director Mike Pompeo to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state. Fellow Joe Barnes analyzes the implications of this decision and assesses Tillerson's short tenure as head of the State Department in a new post for the Baker Institute Blog.
Joe Barnes March 13, 2018
Globe showing Americas
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Costa Ricans Vote on Sun. for New President
The people of Costa Rica will face a dilemma when they vote for a new president on April 1, writes Erika de la Garza: In Carlos Alvarado they have a candidate whose party has failed to deliver the change it promised in the last election. His opponent, Fabricio Alvarado appeals to their conservative instincts but seems unconcerned about Costa Rica’s reputation for tolerance, respect for all human rights, and regard for international institutions.
Erika de la Garza March 5, 2018