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3 Results
Women in lab
From Overlooked to Nobel Laureate: Katalin Karikó’s Journey
The work of Katalin Karikó, 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine recipient, laid a foundation for the development of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that saved close to 20 million lives worldwide. But her discoveries almost did not happen, writes Alicia L. Johnson, a civic science postdoctoral associate at the Baker Institute Center for Health and Biosciences. Karikó’s story highlights the vital importance of supporting women in STEM.
Alicia L. Johnson October 30, 2023
Graph of stock market downturn with coronavirus superimposed
Four NOCs: Facing the Current Demand Destruction
The oil glut and the unprecedented drop in demand, along with plummeting oil prices due to the coronavirus pandemic, is revealing the strengths and weaknesses of oil firms globally. The authors consider four NOCs — Ecopetrol, Petrobras, Petronas and Pemex — in the context of the current crisis.
Benigna Cortés Leiss, Adrian Duhalt May 20, 2020