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8 Results
Oil rig at night
Implications of the Oil Prospects for Latin America
The mix of good short-term prospects for oil revenues along with long-term market uncertainties has a clear policy implication for oil-dependent Latin American economies: use the larger short-term revenues to diversify their economies, nonresident fellow José Antonio Ocampo writes in a new issue brief.
José Antonio Ocampo November 9, 2018
A woman receives a vaccine in her left arm.
How Too Much Freedom of Choice Endangers Public Health: The Effect of Nonmedical Exemptions From School-entry Vaccinations in Texas
This policy brief analyzes the impact of the increasing number of parents who opt their children out of school-entry vaccinations for nonmedical reasons in Texas and argues that the state should make obtaining nonmedical exemptions more rigorous in order to reduce the public health risks and costs associated with vaccine-preventable diseases.
Jackie Olive, Kirstin R.W. Matthews October 13, 2016
Pen pointing at chart
Latin America Initiative | Issue Brief
Latin America’s Recent Economic Turmoil
Trade and financial shocks have worsened Latin America’s economic prospects in the past year. Latin America — and South America in particular — are expected to perform poorly into 2016.
José Antonio Ocampo October 13, 2015
Globe showing Americas
Latin America Initiative | Issue Brief
Latin America’s Mounting Economic Challenges
The decade 2003-2013 was an exceptional one for Latin America in social terms, but less clearly so in economic terms. Growth slowed down significantly after the exceptional factors that fed the 2003-2007 boom came to an end. The possible unwinding of the super-cycle in commodity prices and, to a lesser extent, of the expansionary monetary policy of the United States, has added new challenges. But the major issue is the need to overcome the poor long-term economic performance that has characterized the region in the post-market reforms period, particularly by adopting active production sector development strategies.
José Antonio Ocampo October 17, 2014