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23 Results
Topographic map of Doha, Qatar
Energy and Economic Diversification Policy Roundtable
The Center for Energy Studies at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and the Qatar Leadership Centre hosted a roundtable on February 15-16, 2017, in Doha, Qatar, to discuss some of the most pressing challenges facing market participants in the global energy landscape, with a focus on several issues of paramount interest to Qatar and the broader Gulf Cooperation Council.
Kenneth B. Medlock III, Jim Krane, Francisco J. Monaldi, Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, Gabriel Collins September 5, 2017
World night view from space with data points
Carter Doctrine 3.0: The New Gulf-Asia-U.S. Oil Security Nexus
The relationship between the United States and its Gulf allies has evolved in important ways since President Jimmy Carter’s 1980 declaration of American “vital interests” in the Persian Gulf — the “Carter Doctrine” — and while many circumstances have changed, the rationale for maintaining U.S. protection for Gulf oil supplies remains strong, authors Gabriel Collins and Jim Krane write in this paper.
Gabriel Collins, Jim Krane July 18, 2017
This photo shows an industrial zone in China.
The Double-edged Sword: Guanxi and Science Ethics in Academic Physics in the People’s Republic of China
As China continues to open up to the transnational circulation of labor, ideas, technology and capital under globalization, one must wonder: will Chinese society’s more cosmopolitan and transnational groups continue to be guided by guanxi, the system of social networks and influential relationships that facilitate business and other dealings?
Steven W. Lewis, Elaine Howard Ecklund, Di Di March 31, 2017
Religious Imbalance in the Texas Social Studies Curriculum: Analysis and Recommendations
This paper argues that the Texas social studies curriculum does not offer balanced coverage of world religions, due in large part to intervention by conservative members of the Texas State Board of Education. The paper identifies examples of imbalanced coverage in social studies texts and offers recommendations for broadening coverage of religion in Texas public schools.
David R. Brockman October 21, 2016
Multiple rows of cars lined up at the US-Mexico border.
Transit Migration in Mexico: Domestic and International Policy Implications
The recent surge in Central American migration has challenged Mexico to implement policies that uphold human rights for migrants (especially unaccompanied children) who are passing through the country while also deterring unauthorized crossings at the southern border and cracking down on human smuggling and trafficking. However, finding the appropriate balance for these policies — with a humanitarian focus on the one hand and meeting larger “security concerns” on the other hand — has been elusive for the Mexican government. This paper discusses the historical and political context of Mexico’s various policy responses to the spike in Central American migration through Mexico toward the United States and analyzes related implications for the country’s relationships with the United States and its Central American neighbors.
Robert Donnelly December 2, 2014