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4 Results
Multiple rows of cars lined up at the US-Mexico border.
Mexican Consumption and the Economic Impact of the Coronavirus on Texas Border Counties
Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez, the postdoctoral research fellow in international trade for the Center for the U.S. and Mexico, analyzes the economic impact of COVID-19 travel restrictions on the tourism industry of Texas border counties, many of which depend on Mexicans entering the U.S. and spending billions of dollars each year.
Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez December 4, 2020
ME Map
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
A deadly virus named MERS has spread from Saudi Arabia to over a dozen countries since 2012. While the chances for widespread infection are remote due to the virus's low human-to-human transmission rate, all governments should nevertheless support academic freedom and scientific collaboration to keep local outbreaks of viruses like MERS from becoming serious pandemics.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Monica M. Matsumoto, Jon Flynn July 25, 2014