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48 Results
The Nobel Peace Center in Norway.
Another All-male Lineup for the Science Nobels: Is It Time to Stop Caring?
Despite internal changes in how scientists are nominated for the Nobel Prize, there is still a substantial gender bias in prize recipients. Concrete policy changes are needed to ensure more diversity is reflected in the world’s most visible and prestigious scientific honor, write experts Kenneth M. Evans, Kirstin R.W. Matthews and Daniel Moralí. Baker Institute blog: http://bit.ly/2MDRDbW
Kenneth M. Evans, Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Daniel Moralí October 14, 2019
Mexico Flag
Energy Reform Moves Forward in Mexican Senate, but Obstacles Remain for Big Oil
On Monday, three committees in Mexico’s senate — constitutional issues, energy and legislative studies — voted to bring an energy reform bill to the chamber’s floor for debate. The legislation would provide international oil companies the opportunity to participate in profit-sharing contracts and concession-like licenses for energy operations in Mexico, and it is expected to become law by the end of the legislative session Dec. 15.
Dylan McNally December 10, 2013