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49 Results
Mexico Flag
Coronavirus: The End of Populism in Mexico?
The populist government under President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has largely discounted the threat of COVID-19,  and the true extent of the outbreak Mexico may not yet be known. If conditions significantly change for the worse, the president faces not only a public health crisis but also the possible undoing of the country's populist experiment.
Tony Payan March 25, 2020
The Nobel Peace Center in Norway.
Another All-male Lineup for the Science Nobels: Is It Time to Stop Caring?
Despite internal changes in how scientists are nominated for the Nobel Prize, there is still a substantial gender bias in prize recipients. Concrete policy changes are needed to ensure more diversity is reflected in the world’s most visible and prestigious scientific honor, write experts Kenneth M. Evans, Kirstin R.W. Matthews and Daniel Moralí. Baker Institute blog: http://bit.ly/2MDRDbW
Kenneth M. Evans, Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Daniel Moralí October 14, 2019
The Nobel Peace Center in Norway.
A Call for Sustaining U.S. Scientific International Collaboration: What the Nobel Prize Tells Us
While the U.S. still maintains the overall lead in Nobel prizes (with the exception of literature), the rate at which American scientists have been awarded the prize has declined since the late 1970s. Fellow Kirstin R.W. Matthews and postdoctoral fellow Kenneth M. Evans explore the state of scientific collaboration in the U.S. in this Baker Institute blog: https://bit.ly/2yiNhzF
Kenneth M. Evans, Kirstin R.W. Matthews October 5, 2018
A reflection of Planet Earth appears on a water drop on a leaf.
Reflections on Tragedy
Days after the attacks on the World Trade Center, William Martin, the Harry and Hazel Chavanne Senior Fellow in Religion and Public Policy and Chavanne Emeritus Professor in Rice’s Department of Sociology, spoke to a gathering of Rice University students, faculty and staff. These are his remarks. 
William Martin September 12, 2018
Line of Hispanic immigrants waiting outside with backs to viewer.
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Family Reunification Does Not Fix Trump’s Immigration Fiasco
The Trump administration's family reunification policy is insufficient to address the lasting impacts of the president's zero-tolerance immigration policy, writes Erika de la Garza, program director for the Latin America Initiative, in the Baker Institute Blog: https://bit.ly/2NMQnCU.
Erika de la Garza July 12, 2018
Globe showing Americas
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Costa Ricans Vote on Sun. for New President
The people of Costa Rica will face a dilemma when they vote for a new president on April 1, writes Erika de la Garza: In Carlos Alvarado they have a candidate whose party has failed to deliver the change it promised in the last election. His opponent, Fabricio Alvarado appeals to their conservative instincts but seems unconcerned about Costa Rica’s reputation for tolerance, respect for all human rights, and regard for international institutions.
Erika de la Garza March 5, 2018