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39 Results
Climate change concept
A Conservative Answer to Climate Change
James A. Baker, III, and George P. Shultz — both former secretaries of state and Treasury secretaries — offer "A Conservative Answer to Climate Change" in a commentary for The Wall Street Journal.
James A. Baker, III, George P. Shulz February 15, 2017
latin america
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Colombia’s Peace Plebiscite: The People Have Spoken
Colombians on Sunday (10/2) voted against a peace deal with FARC negotiated by President Juan Manuel Santos. What are the potential ramifications of the vote, and the prospects for resolving the country's decades-long confict with the rebel group?
Lisa Guáqueta, Francisco J. Monaldi October 3, 2016
Globe showing Americas
Commentary: Study Highlights Ethical Ambiguity in Physics
In physics, extensive collaborations, access to colleagues’ data and rigorous peer review make it extremely difficult for individual researchers to bend the rules. Furthermore, physics does not harbor the types of ethical minefields characteristic of the biosciences. No thorny questions arise pertaining to human or animal life, nor do physicists commonly grapple with the ethical haze of intellectual property when patents and money are at stake. Things seem to be black and white in physics. But are they?
Elaine Howard Ecklund, Kirstin R.W. Matthews June 1, 2015
Egypt’s Electoral Labyrinth Undermines Women’s Political Representation
The current electoral labyrinth in Egypt continues to pose a significant challenge to creating a just and all-inclusive political system. Despite the myriad electoral reforms and constitutional amendments passed in the past four years, women continue to play a minor role in the decision-making process in postrevolutionary Egypt. The new constitution unveiled in early 2014 lacks a constitutional provision or a quota system that would guarantee equal political representation for women; this will negatively impact women’s ability to exert influence in the political arena.
Marwa Shalaby April 6, 2015