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290 Results
Argentina oil flag
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
A Deadly Political Scandal Could Test Democracy in Argentina
The mysterious death of a special prosecutor who accused Argentina’s president of “an alliance with terrorists” has shaken the nation. If the prosecutor’s allegations prove to be true, the scandal will test whether democracy in Argentina means that all citizens — including the president — are accountable under the law.
February 19, 2015
latin america
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Uruguay’s Second Round

By Natalia Roba, 2011 Americas Project Fellow, Uruguay

The Oct. 26 elections in Uruguay confirmed the hegemony of center-left…

November 24, 2014
latin america
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Uruguay: A Left-leaning Perspective on the Electoral Process
Uruguay’s national elections on October 26 will determine more than who occupies the Republic’s presidency, vice presidency, and Senate and House chambers — voters will also determine the government’s political orientation. The occasion will force Uruguayans to choose between the progressivism of the Frente Amplio party — which government has promoted for the past 10 years — and a return to the conservatism of the opposition Blanco and Colorado parties.
October 17, 2014
Shipping Containers
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: The Stakes for Mexico and the United States
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement offers an opportunity to deepen U.S.-Mexico economic ties without reopening the still contentious North American Free Trade Agreement for negotiation. It may also serve as a vehicle for advancing the current Mexican government’s economic reform agenda. The leaders of the U.S. and Mexico believe that the TPP will bolster domestic economic growth.
Joe Barnes September 17, 2014