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59 Results
One hundred dollar bills
The Unfavorable Economics of Currency Manipulation Chapters in Trade Agreements
As Congress resumes work this spring on a bill granting Trade Promotion Authority to President Obama for completion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, many members have sought inclusion of a chapter on currency manipulation. Currency manipulation is a legitimate concern. However, countermeasures require clear, objective identification of currency manipulation. Both the IMF and the U.S. Treasury Department have mandates to identify currency manipulation, yet neither has done so in the past 20 years. If it can be done, why has it not happened more often? In this issue brief, Russell Green, Will Clayton Fellow in International Economics, reviews the difficulties of operationalizing a currency manipulation chapter and argues that the difficulty of identifying currency manipulation suggests serious political obstacles to implementation.
Russell Green April 27, 2015
This photo shows the Chinese flag.
Latin America Initiative | Issue Brief
China’s “Second Wave” in South America
South America is likely facing a "second wave" of Chinese investment. How will China's rise to global economic power — and its transition to a new economic growth model — impact South America?
Pedro da Motta Veiga February 9, 2015
A digitized version of North America.
Latin America Initiative | Issue Brief
Brazilian Multinational Companies: Investing in the Neighborhood
A growing number of Brazilian companies are expanding internationally. These companies are part of the transformation reshaping the global investment environment. They have shifted their international strategy from being based exclusively on exports to becoming foreign investors in countries such as Peru, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.
Pedro da Motta Veiga November 5, 2014
Globe showing Americas
Latin America Initiative | Issue Brief
Latin America’s Mounting Economic Challenges
The decade 2003-2013 was an exceptional one for Latin America in social terms, but less clearly so in economic terms. Growth slowed down significantly after the exceptional factors that fed the 2003-2007 boom came to an end. The possible unwinding of the super-cycle in commodity prices and, to a lesser extent, of the expansionary monetary policy of the United States, has added new challenges. But the major issue is the need to overcome the poor long-term economic performance that has characterized the region in the post-market reforms period, particularly by adopting active production sector development strategies.
José Antonio Ocampo October 17, 2014
Shipping Containers
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: The Stakes for Mexico and the United States
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement offers an opportunity to deepen U.S.-Mexico economic ties without reopening the still contentious North American Free Trade Agreement for negotiation. It may also serve as a vehicle for advancing the current Mexican government’s economic reform agenda. The leaders of the U.S. and Mexico believe that the TPP will bolster domestic economic growth.
Joe Barnes September 17, 2014
North and South America on a globe.
Latin America Initiative | Issue Brief
China's Strategy in Central America
This issue brief explores China’s deepening relationship with Costa Rica, which severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 2007 to strengthen its economic ties with the PRC. China’s relationship with Costa Rica has opened the possibility for the PRC to reach out to other countries in the region.
Constantino Urcuyo August 25, 2014
U.S.-Mexico Academic Mobility: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
Academic mobility is critical for robust collaborations in education, research and innovation between the U.S. and Mexico. Governments in both countries, in cooperation with nongovernmental actors, should provide a framework to develop mechanisms that generate and sustain a meaningful exchange of students, faculty, and staff from educational institutions at all levels of post-secondary education.
David Vassar, Beverly Barrett August 20, 2014
A gavel rests in front of the Mexican flag.
Vigilantism in Mexico: A New Phase in Mexico's Security Crisis
The violent struggle between rival Mexican drug cartels and other criminal groups has left tens of thousands dead and towns across Mexico paralyzed with fear. With overwhelmed police forces relatively powerless to control drug-related murders and kidnappings, a growing number of vigilante organizations, or self-defense groups, aim to restore order — but now even they are fighting, and killing, among themselves.
Gary J. Hale April 18, 2014