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86 Results
Climate change concept
A Conservative Answer to Climate Change
James A. Baker, III, and George P. Shultz — both former secretaries of state and Treasury secretaries — offer "A Conservative Answer to Climate Change" in a commentary for The Wall Street Journal.
James A. Baker, III, George P. Shulz February 15, 2017
latin america
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Guatemalan Spring
In the short term, Guatemala requires the consolidation of a strong state and a political-social pact based not only on holding new elections, but also grounded in laws that promote institutional strengthening and an effective response to its citizens' most heartfelt demands, in a context of freedom, justice and inclusion.
October 19, 2015
Global connections span the continents; focus on the Americas
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Guatemala’s Shot at Redemption
In a country steeped in political corruption, the Sept. 3 resignation of Guatemala's President Otto Pérez Molina is the first step toward the country's redemption, writes Latin America Initiative program director Erika de la Garza.
September 3, 2015
Europe Map
What’s Next for Greece?
In a July 5 referendum, Greeks overwhelmingly rejected the terms of a bailout proposed by international creditors. Baker Institute Rice scholar Ted Temzelides blogs on the surprisingly strong vote against the rescue package, and what may lie ahead.
Ted Loch-Temzelides July 5, 2015
Argentina oil flag
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
A Turning Point in Argentina’s Politics
This year marks a turning point in Argentinian politics now that Cristina Fernández de Kirchner lacks the constitutional possibility of being reelected. And with the party system fragmented as it is, no candidate has a clear victory.
March 30, 2015