26 News Items Found
November 17, 2020
Immigration Under a Biden Administration
In his first 100 days in office, President-elect Biden aims to roll back many of the Trump administration's immigration policies. But permanent solutions for DACA and temporary protected status holders will not materialize soon. “They will be more challenging and for a longer term,” said Kelsey Norman, director of the Women’s Rights, Human Rights & Refugees Program.
Read more at the Houston Chronicle.
March 31, 2020
Refugees in Turkey Hit Hard by Covid-19 Restrictions
With international borders closed, governments around the world should allow unemployed migrants to remain in their countries and give them “the option to search for a new job and transfer their visa if and when the spread of the virus has slowed and quarantine measures are lifted,” said fellow Kelsey Norman of the impact on migrants and refugees of coronavirus mobility restrictions.
Read more at Ahval News