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223 Results
How Available Is Over-the-Counter Naloxone in Houston?
Narcan, the nasal spray that reverses an opioid overdose, is now available without prescription. But how easy is it to get? In this quick take, Rice University students and fellow Katharine Neill Harris investigate the reality of over-the-counter (OTC) access to the live-saving drug naloxone.
Jeffery Liu, Bianca Schutz, Skye Fredericks, Imani Hill, Gautam Chaudhry, Katharine Neill Harris February 2, 2024
Palestinian conflict
Funding for Refugees Has Long Been Politicized − Punitive Action Against UNRWA and Palestinians Fits That Pattern
At least a dozen countries, including the U.S., have suspended funding to the United Nations agency that delivers aid to Palestinian refugees. The cuts fit a long-time pattern of the politicization of refugee aid, write Nicholas R. Micinski and Kelsey Norman.
Nicholas R. Micinski, Kelsey Norman February 1, 2024
A stethoscope on American paper currency.
Baker Briefing: The High Costs of US Health Care
Health care costs in the U.S. have climbed dramatically in recent decades. Elevated prescription and premium prices have left more Americans at risk of being unable to afford basic health care services. Our experts discuss key factors leading to medical unaffordability and steps policymakers must take to address the issue.
Joe Barnes, Elena M. Marks December 19, 2023