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36 Results
Oil drums
Permian Basin Energy Producers Invest in Community Infrastructure: Motivation, Impacts, and Implications for Corporate Citizenship
Energy fellow Gabriel Collins investigates how some operators in the Permian Basin are unifying their efforts to solve the unique set of community and infrastructure challenges in the region This working paper is part of a series titled “The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Resource-Rich Regions.”
Gabriel Collins February 24, 2020
Money and a calculator rest on top of a map of the Middle East.
“Islamic Finance” After State-sponsored Capitalist Islamism
The impending demise of petrodollar-supported capitalist Islamism, the failures of which begat 21st century terrorist Islamism, incentivizes the Muslim middle class and timocracies to find another outlet for Muslim liberation theology. This amplifies manifold the risks (and potential, but limited, benefits) of “Islamic finance.”  
Mahmoud A. El-Gamal December 1, 2017