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28 Results
SF6: The Little Gas That Could ... Make Global Warming Worse
The atmospheric concentration of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) — the most potent greenhouse gas known to humanity and a chemical that is frequently used as an electrical insulator — is growing and thereby contributing to global warming. In a post for the Baker Institute blog, experts from the Center for Energy Studies explain whether we should be worried and what can be done to mitigate the risks.
Rachel A. Meidl, Michelle Michot Foss March 25, 2021
An electric car charges.
Electric Vehicles: A Small Window for Safety and Stability, A Large Arena for Research
Although on the surface electric vehicles have lower safety risks than cars with internal combustion engines, the introduction of lithium ion batteries into the equation presents unresearched and unquantified hazards and consequences. This is why continued examination and incident analyses are important, writes energy fellow Rachel A. Meidl for the Baker Institute Blog.
Rachel A. Meidl January 21, 2021
A reflection of Planet Earth appears on a water drop on a leaf.
Reflections on Tragedy
Days after the attacks on the World Trade Center, William Martin, the Harry and Hazel Chavanne Senior Fellow in Religion and Public Policy and Chavanne Emeritus Professor in Rice’s Department of Sociology, spoke to a gathering of Rice University students, faculty and staff. These are his remarks. 
William Martin September 12, 2018
Map syringe
Needle Exchanges Prevent Disease Without Promoting Drugs
The Texas House of Representatives is considering House Bill 3256, which would legalize syringe exchange programs (SEPs) as a means of reducing the transmission of infectious and communicable diseases among people who inject drugs. On April 25, William Martin, director of the Drug Policy Program, appeared before the Texas House Committee on Public Health to testify in support of HB 3256. Martin also authored an op-ed in TribTalk supporting the establishment of SEPs.
William Martin May 10, 2017
Israel flag
Keeping the Faith in Israel for a Two-state Solution
Despite right-wing pushes for the annexation of a significant portion of the West Bank, support remains for a two-state solution to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yair Hirschfeld, fellow in the Center for the Middle East, analyzes Israel's political environment in this post on the Baker Institute Blog.
Yair Hirschfeld November 24, 2015