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69 Results
Was There a Free Trade Era, and Is It Over?
Despite recent claims that “free trade is dead,” fellow Simon Lester explains that America was never close to anything resembling free trade in the first place. Instead, current U.S. trade policy, just like past policy, reflects a messy mix of free market and industrial policy views.
Simon Lester July 13, 2023
Mexican Military
Walks Like a Junta, Looks Like a Junta, Must be a Military Junta ... in Mexico
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is about to achieve the quiet but full militarization of Mexican society by placing all armed government forces under Defense Secretariat command, writes nonresident fellow Gary Hale. If he is successful, this could lay the groundwork for his possible extended tenure, even if it creates a military junta by subterfuge.
Gary J. Hale September 12, 2022
Gas Graphic
The Art of the Deal … in Arabic
Though the OPEC+ group has agreed to accelerate planned oil production increases, the move will likely do little to reduce prices at the pump, despite a major U.S. concession, writes author Mark Finley — and Russia appears to support the plan. Read more on the Baker Institute Blog.   This article originally appeared in the Forbes blog on June 6, 2022.
Mark Finley June 7, 2022