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Globe showing Americas
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
An Unwanted Consequence of Normalized Relations With Cuba
As President Obama prepares for a historic visit to Havana, thousands of the island’s residents are rushing to immigrate to the U.S., hoping to beat the rumored end of a policy that lets Cubans who reach American soil remain here. Read Erika de la Garza’s take on the unsought consequences of reestablishing U.S. ties to Cuba.
Erika de la Garza February 24, 2016
Pump jacks and pipelines move oil through the desert
How Resilient Is Saudi Arabia to a Prolonged Oil Price Slump?
Though drops in oil prices stand to impact Saudi Arabia’s economic stability, the government has turned to drawing down its foreign reserves and issuing bonds to alleviate budgetary pressures and avoid drastic domestic spending cuts. Fellow for the Middle East Kristian Coates Ulrichsen writes in the Baker Institute Blog: http://bit.ly/1fKLWG9.
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen August 28, 2015