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14 Results
A scientist picks up test tubes from a rack.
President Trump’s Travel Bans Signal a Long-term Loss for American Science
Postdoctoral fellow Kenneth Evans examines how President Donald Trump’s executive orders temporarily banning travelers from certain Muslim-majority nations from entering the U.S. impacted scientific research and the country’s ability to attract and retain the world’s best scientists, engineers, students and educators. Association for Women in Science magazine (p. 10-12): http://bit.ly/2sHZMRs.
Kenneth M. Evans July 10, 2017
A Microfinance Model for Muslim Countries
Microfinance institutions have continued to grow over the past few decades, enabling greater access to credit in many of the world's less developed nations. However, in many Muslim countries, the poor tend to reject microfinance on religious grounds. This paper develops an alternative microfinance model that is Islamically permissible and tests it against the standard model.
Mahmoud A. El-Gamal May 1, 2014